Notable Felony Victories

State v. Howard Fincke
Aggravated Assault
Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
Allegations of firing an AR-15 at his family and neighbors.
Howard fired the his rifle at hallucinations he believed were rats attacking his family. 

Statistically insanity defenses only work in two percent of all cases.
114th District Court Smith County, Texas 

State v. Jimmy Nelson
Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child
Dismissed by Judge in Pre-Trial Hearing on Competency
294th District Court Van Zandt County, Texas

State v. Marcus Brookins
Aggravated Assault Enhanced to Twenty-Five to Life 
Mistrial  Granted after Nineteen-Hours of Jury Deliberations
Marcus was released from Smith County Jail 
after a plea to a misdemeanor for credit for time served. 
114th District Court Smith County, Texas

State v. Lou Reynold Davis
Injury to a Child 
Not Guilty
Allegations of waterboarding and striking a child in the head with a mag-light
Nine Hour and twenty-minute jury deliberation
124th District Court Gregg County, Texas

State v. Ronnie Rodgers
Intoxication Manslaughter 
30 Minute Deliberation, Probation Granted by Jury 
First jury in Smith County to place someone on probation for intoxication manslaughter
114th District Court Smith County, Texas 

State v. Marcus Willis
Indecency with a Child
Probation Granted by Smith County, Jury
Marcus was the first to be placed on probation
 by a Smith County Jury for a sex offense 
7th District Court Smith County, Texas 

State v. Josue Talavera
Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity
First Degree Felony Drug Conspiracy
Reduced to State Jail Felony Deferred Adjudication 
Money Laundering 
114th District Court Smith County, Texas 

State v. Jon Doe
Assault on Peace Officer
402nd District Court Wood County, Texas
12 minute Felony Not Guilty Verdict 
Still holds the record in Wood County
One of the Fastest Felony Not Guilty verdicts in Texas

State v. Donna Smith
Driving While Intoxicated
Motion to Suppress Evidence Granted
All evidence from DWI stop was suppressed by the Anderson County District Court.
.169 blood test suppressed

State v. Ricardo Doe
Indecency with a Child
Charges dismissed warrant recalled by the 7th District Court  Smith County, Tyler Texas

State v. Roger Craig
Indecency with a Child
Charges Dismissed by the Cherokee County District Court, Cherokee County, Texas

State v. Michael Risner
Continual Sexual Assault of a Child
Punishment range 25 to Life without possibility of parole
Charges reduced to injury of a child and probation granted.
Van Zandt County District Court, Canton, Texas.

State v. Brian Allen Boyle
Injury to a Disabled Individual
Charges reduced to a class (c)  misdemeanor Assault by Contact; deferred traffic citation
Plea accepted and Felony Dismissed by the 402nd District Court, Wood County Texas

State v. Mitzi Slye
DWI 4th Punishment Range up to 20 years
Plea agreement for probation when not a candidate for probation granted due to problems with traffic stop.
241st District Court, Smith County Texas

Maria Reyes v. Nails LaBella
$952,611.77 Judgment Entered  
241st  Judicial District Court Smith County Texas